5 States With Natural Beauty So Stunning You’ll Forget They Allow Conversion Therapy

“America The Beautiful” isn’t just a song, it’s a fact! Despite the large population and development, there are wild parts of the United States that have still maintained their natural beauty. It’s all too easy to get caught up in our modern life, so take a minute to check out these gorgeous sites where you can forget about emojis, trending hashtags, and the legal torture of certain sexual orientations.


1. Mississippi

Although the first thing people think of is the famous Mississippi River, you can witness amazing beauty all over the state if you just open your mind—unlike the state legislators! Hike through the parks and jump into the cooling Cooper Falls. The cold water may shock you, but at least it’s not an electric shock to your extremities and genitals administered by a licensed healthcare professional who wants you to be straight.


2. Maryland

This state is a great place to have a family vacation and let the kids run wild—it’s one of only 15 states that bans conversion therapy for minors. Adults can also have fun at a number of gorgeous mountain wineries—but don’t get too loose. Before you know it, you’ll be stumbling past the kids and into the office of some “reparative therapists” that “have not produced any rigorous scientific research to substantiate their claims of cure” that can legally hypnotize you. And that “cure” sure ain’t for your wicked hangover.


3. Pennsylvania

A must see stop in this state is the Coral Reef Caverns, the only known fossilized coral reef cave. It contains the dead remains of ancient coral, sea creatures, and a never-passed house bill to ban conversion therapy. If you’re looking for some more elevation, check out the scenic Pocono Mountains. Those panoramic views will have you feeling dizzy—but that could also be the nausea-inducing drugs given to you for being in love with someone of the same gender. In fact, you might be so drugged by a conversion therapist that you’re just imagining that scenic view. Snap a pic either way!


4. New York

This liberal bastion may be known for the Big Apple, but it’s also home to 8,000 lakes and half of the famous Niagara Falls. A local myth says lucky couples married at the falls are 4 times more likely to stay together. Cute! A local scientific study says adults who have gone through conversion therapy are 8.9 times more likely to commit suicide. Not so cute (but still legal here)!


5. California

Assembly Bill 2943, which would have marked conversion therapy as fraudulent business practices, was pulled after opposition by religious groups. That’s Hollywood for ya! Queer people can still be tied to a table and forced to have heated, electric, and icy pains applied to their body while watching videos of same sex couples hugging. Oh, and there’s beaches.



Don’t worry if you’re feeling full of wanderlust and looking to explore beyond this short list. The 50 states in this great country have a pocket of natural beauty to share, and almost all of them still allow conversion therapy for you to forget all about—from sea to shining sea!

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