Every corner was filled with at least one statue of a nude woman, which Mrs. Dershowitz affectionally petted as we walked by. In fact, the only room that stood out from the rest of the house was Sarah’s room – untouched since her teenage years – which was covered in Justin Bieber posters.
Kids will be amazed with the way this future trash flies through the soiled, gendered air. They’ll be so delighted that they’ll forget about the fuss you made about that all-gender bathroom at Arby’s.
Thank God for America’s highly militarized execution squad — the police! That being said, no
Sometimes building back better means building back never, and that’s exactly what the Biden Administration decided to do with the country’s improv theaters. Given a once in a generation opportunity to rethink the role of “zip zap zop” in society, the new Administration has taken radical, decisive action on a new path forward.
Today is trans visibility day. Here’s our branded trans day of visibility post. Our PR team has proofed this 600 times. Every executive in our company is clenching their asshole in anticipation of this going up today.