Don’t want to go to an over-priced vacation spot during a pandemic, but still want to re-create and embody the white supremacist practices and institutional biases from the comfort of your own home. You deserve this, self care hunny!
After the sudden, months-long tightening that bottoms experienced this spring, they are cautiously preparing to begin multi-phase reopening plans.
She wears backwards hats, chains, and has a slit in her eyebrow, but she is from Greenwich Connecticut. Her dad is a white man who works for Morgan Stanley. Her mother is a white woman from Seattle who hasn’t called the cops on a black person but has considered it.
Kevin’s mom also belabored how her neighbor’s bisexual son, Alex, recently got into UCLA Medical School for Otolaryngology.
Citing that “enough was enough,” Matt Steiner told his roommate that he absolutely needed quarantine to end soon so he could get back to starving himself for the approval of his sexual partners.