Elizabeth Terry may be new in town, but she’s already making a name for herself. And apparently, that name is “my ex Loren’s new girlfriend.” That’s right, just six short weeks after our breakup, my former partner Loren has met the love of her life.
Eric Casso, a Proud Boy, and Danny Smith, an Instagay, took to social media earlier this week to announce to their #ProudBoy family, and the white gays who thirst after them, that they are officially off the market. Crediting the safe space of the Proud Boys community, they have entered a manly and testosterone-fueled relationship.
Take a deep breath, because they’re real. They can breathe, love, and drunk FaceTime you. So congrats! You’ll probably break up with them over another flaw anyway.
For sports fans, football is as synonymous with the fall season as the leaves changing, pumpkin spice lattes, and the sound of children playing Smear The Queer in the school yard on the first day back from summer break. Us die-hards can never get enough of it and any day that passes without a game feels hollow and wasted. That’s why we came up with a list of content that has all the action, drama, and engrained homophobia we know and love about football that you can watch while waiting for your next fix of the best damn sport on the planet.
Lesbians across the country are once again disappointed that the newest sapphic film to hit screens revolves around the main character being stuck in the closet.