Is the fact that your friend group consists solely of other attractive white gays a symptom of some deeply systematic issues that you’re unknowingly contributing to? Ugh!
Amid rising national outcry for drastic community safety reform, a new study has calculated that the standard police officer training period takes place over a shorter span of time than most gay relationships.
We, the nation’s arts, education, and nonprofit institutions condemn the racism in our police and prison industrial complex. But it has come to our attention that we are responsible for perpetuating white supremacy too.
“We’ve been waiting to pounce on this better name for decades!” said Mitch McConnell, the KY&PP senator who is up for reelection this November.
The Diversity Team of Grindr HQ, which consists of a white twink, a white bear, a white otter, and a guy from Europe, celebrates its win for the immediate overhaul of the Ethnicity filter to be replaced with a “Just a Preference Filter.”