Kids will be amazed with the way this future trash flies through the soiled, gendered air. They’ll be so delighted that they’ll forget about the fuss you made about that all-gender bathroom at Arby’s.
Area man Shane Smith announced he understands that gender is a construct after reviewing Microsoft’s naming convention for X-Box Models. Prompted by his embarrassment after mis-modeling the new X-Box, calling it an X-Box One X when he meant X-Box Series X, Shane reflected on why he was embarrassed for calling a gaming console by the wrong model despite repeatedly calling his co-worker by the wrong gender.
All Hallow’s Eve is just around the corner! Halloween is a terrific opportunity to explore the gender spectrum through clothing and accessories. But BEWARE!!! The veil between the mortal world and the spirit realm will be as thin as the excuses people give for not using your pronouns.
Forcing the binary of gender upon humanity has been one of the most oppressive burdens our species has ever had to bear. That said. My boat? She’s all woman.
“It’s just so complicated,” remarked local father, Jonathan Coates, who understands what such terms as “ADP” and “walk-to-strikeout rate” mean. “Like, ‘they’ is singular now? It just doesn’t seem right. Anyway, some jackass just swiped one of my players. Who do they think they are?”