JACKSON, WY— While San Francisco and New York City may be known for their large and historic Dyke Marches, this year, one local couple is organizing their own Dyke March event: Barbara Swinton, 65, and Susan Swinton, 63, plan to take a beautiful and somewhat rigorous trail hike with their golden retriever, Holland.
Despite lacking a crowd, floats, and live music, the small town Dyke March will still celebrate the bravery and resilience of dykes living out loud–particularly two 60-year-old dykes with hiking poles and reflective vests. Barbara and Susan will be chanting, “we’re here! We’re queer! Get used it!”–just very quietly as to not disturb the birds.
At the trailhead, Susan noted that their Dyke March is “inclusive of all dykes–but we haven’t found any others out here.” Nonetheless, they both expressed relief knowing their exes would not be in attendance. Rangers have reported an average of three to four Dyke Marches each weekend on the popular hiking trail, however, they never seem to cross paths–keeping the likelihood of an ex encounter far lower than any metropolitan Dyke March.
When asked if they yearned for a more traditional Dyke March, the couple gave an emphatic “no.” According to Barbara, “we’re not lesser dykes because we express our pride in birdwatching rather than toplessness and making out–not that there’s anything wrong with that!”
The march’s route is set up to pass several beautiful vistas where Barbara and Susan can kiss without fear of homophobic discrimination. Other iconic stops along the route include the spot where they saw an owl last week, a creek where Holland would be able to cool off, and one particularly large tree. The March will also intersect with a small town Gay Pride Parade–one gay guy reading Anna Karenina on a stump.