There’s a chill in the air, and you know what that means: time to rock some Fall fashion that will have people saying “Sir! Sorry–Ma’am” as they try to decipher your gender! Whether it be at the store, in the park, or at home, it feels good to be called ‘sir,’ and these looks will get you that–even if it’s just for one brief moment.
When Jordan Mayer, 26, decided to spice things up in his relationship with his boyfriend, he didn’t expect to be saddled with thousands of dollars of medical debt, but weeks after a roleplay inquiry about his “broken ass”, boyfriend Kendall Helmsley sent a bill for $6,000 and told Mayer he can discuss payment options with the billing department.
Historians at Columbia University confirmed Tuesday what appears to be the world’s first case of a loaf of challah that closely resembles a human vagina.
Today, Austin Bickal and the “Boys Who Brunch” announced via their alt Twitter accounts that all Pride events planned for this summer were in fact reinstated and relocated to the basement of that one Hamburger Mary’s.
Most people transform into an animal or a bug, but Eva Withers is not most people. The 78-year-old queer woman morphed miraculously – but at no surprise to her family – into a stable, sturdy home. “She turned into her truest self: a strong foundation and fine mahogany cabinetry” reports Withers’ granddaughter.