“Did you hit season 2, episode 5? I think you’ll really like it,” reported a local friend with a wink.
While the study sample was exclusively circuit gays, scientists can still conclusively say they have no fucking idea where Gene went. “Gene told researchers that he loves us but his body is too warm and the music sucks. Then he just bolted,” reported team leader Calvin Tolbin. “We’ve been searching for answers. Gene’s been searching for uppers.”
It isn’t a Pride parade unless there’s glitter, confetti, and swag that will never decompose. Why have microplastics when you could have microplastiques!?
Following the release of Swift’s highly popular LGBT anthem, a recent nationwide poll found that a sudden rise in anti-gay sentiment specifically from your’s truly.
“As an added bonus, the smell of the leather reminds me of his freshly polished work shoes!”