When Jordan Mayer, 26, decided to spice things up in his relationship with his boyfriend, he didn’t expect to be saddled with thousands of dollars of medical debt, but weeks after a roleplay inquiry about his “broken ass”, boyfriend Kendall Helmsley sent a bill for $6,000 and told Mayer he can discuss payment options with the billing department.
Hey, we’ve all been there. It takes a few rounds of crushing on unavailable women and having your heart broken before realizing the toxic pattern you’ve put yourself in and just loving yourself instead. You might think that you started loving yourself after your first mistake, but in reality, it took exactly five. No more, no less. Here are five very straight girls to have big fat crushes on before really realizing it was time for some basic self love.
We all know the runaround, and we certainly know the bullshit. It seems like everyone has something they aren’t saying on the apps, but here’s 70 things he DID say before mentioning he’s in an exclusive relationship.
“What more do these boomers want from me?” Seymour Tweeted. “I left my clacking fan in the car and even had their weird hot version of an iced coffee.”