The study also confirmed the long-held theory in the scientific community that ‘ha’ is typically sarcastic, while ‘hahahahaha’ in fact implies a speaker trying to make light of existential dread.
The filing grants clemency to moral debts, so that the organization can continue to represent American ideals. “The Scouts will auction its remaining moral assets to cover its moral debts,” said BSA President and CEO Roger C. Mosby. “We’re gonna be walking a lot of old ladies across the street for this one.”
Boo Radley: a muscular shut in? We’ll count it! To Kill A Mockingbird is here, it’s queer, and—oh sweet god, we need to come up with four more of these!?
You deny clear scientific evidence of climate change. Why choke society with poor air quality when you’ve got two hands and I’ve got one throat?
Kyle was happy to hear Jason was doing well. “I rejected him because of his haircut,” Kyle reminisced. “And he’s happy now and that’s great, and it’s not my fault that I don’t have a boyfriend.”