Lesbians Marcia Lopply and Kit Foster celebrated their six-month anniversary by filing for domestic partnership, or as they call it: “getting 90s gay married.” “It’s just nice to have to so many rights that we can have this ‘retro’ reception as not our only option,” said the Lopply-Fosters, at the same time.
It’s like a night and day difference! You’ve given her $112 this fiscal year as local legend Patty O’Weather and 0 replies as human being Derrick Turner!
“He’s on that show your father used to watch?” Mom reports. “He does cookbooks now? Come on, you know who he is! He’s… you know…. I think he’s married to that guy from the Olympics maybe?”
Despite her busy campaign trail, Warren herself gives each haircut. The trend goes to show that all lesbians are politically minded grandmas, but not all politically minded grandmas are lesbians.
Sources confirmed that the fucking device lost power right as you started to fantasize about that hot Trader Joe’s employee.