Forcing the binary of gender upon humanity has been one of the most oppressive burdens our species has ever had to bear. That said. My boat? She’s all woman.
Want a Pinterest-worthy manicure without the hassle of sending your partner to the gynecologist… or the ER? Try these lesbian-approved nail trends today!
It’s like a night and day difference! You’ve given her $112 this fiscal year as local legend Patty O’Weather and 0 replies as human being Derrick Turner!
“In order to stay competitive in the chicken sandwich market, we knew we had to make a change,” said Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy, “and that’s why we’re proud to do the bare minimum for all you perfectly tolerable queers out there. Please buy our food.”
“He belongs to us now,” said Christian T., a self-appointed spokesperson for the LGBTQBY+ community. “Our little prince.”