Pete Buttigieg Podcast Just 45 Minutes Of The Sound Of Rolling Up Sleeves

In 2020, it seemed as though everyone who doesn’t already have one is trying to start a podcast, the brand new audio medium that burst onto the scene over a decade ago. Stars from Conan O’Brien and Dax Shepherd have recently created podcasts of their own, and politicians are close behind with Pete Buttigieg getting in on the action. The new U.S. Secretary of Transportation has taken a unique direction; upon first listen, it appears to be simply forty five minutes of the sound of rolling up sleeves.

Am I Crushing Or Is She Just My Stage Manager?

At precisely 10 o’clock, she calls for rehearsal to start. She’s so assertive. We start blocking and Alex selflessly takes notes for everyone. She pays such careful attention to where each of us goes.

I wonder what that attention would feel like if it was on me during a date, or when she meets my parents, or when we live together in a cottage in upstate New York, with two dogs and a goat.